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Castel Chizzola

Castel Chizzola is located at the Adige river, near Serravalle on the opposite bank of the river

Castel Chizzola is one of the many castles in the Val d’Adige valley, which had an important strategic position to defend the valley. In this area, the border between Italy and Austria and the southern border of the Prince-Bishopric of Trento ran.

The complex was divided into two areas, a lower and an upper one, what guaranteed good control. The lower part served as a station for raising the road toll and as a place to stay, while the upper part was the actual fortress, characterised by its Ghibelline battlements. The peaceful times under the Castelbarco dynasty came to a quick end with the Venetian invasion. So in the 16th century the castle passed to the Habsburg rule, later it was left to decay.

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Chizzola Castle is privately owned and cannot be visited.

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