museo civilta solandra
museo civilta solandra

Museum of the Culture of the Val di Sole

From ancient settlements in Val di Sole to the present

Located in Malé, the museum illustrates the almost forgotten customs and traditions practised in Val di Sole during the last centuries. It was actually designed to preserve the fundamental moments of life in this part of the Trentino region, ranging from ancient handicrafts to agriculture and milk processing.

Housed in some ancient Austrian barracks, the museum is dedicated to the traditional kinds of professions such as shoemakers or coppersmiths, carpenters, saddlers or upholsterers. The reconstructed water sawmill and some rooms of an ancient house, such as the kitchen and the so-called "stua"; the most important room of the house where daily life occured, are definitely worth visiting.

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4.00 €: Ticket (2,00 € with Trentino Guest Card)
5.00 €: Guided tour

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For groups (min. 5 persons) on request also out of opening hours.

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