copertina MMape Incontro con apicoltore Ph Tommaso Prugnola Archivio A P T Val di Sole
copertina MMape Incontro con apicoltore Ph Tommaso Prugnola Archivio A P T Val di Sole

MMape - Bee Museum

Discovering the wonderful world of bees in the Val di Sole, where more than 140 beekeepers can be found

The MMape - Bee Museum, housed in an old mill near the Ontaneta di Croviana Nature Reserve in the Val di Sole valley, was opened in 2014 with the aim of sensitising visitors to the complex work of bees and, at the same time, promoting apiculture.

Thanks to their regular pollination work, every bee plays a very important role for the ecosystem and therefore also for humans. If they were to become extinct, many important plant species, for example, would no longer exist. It is important to protect these little busy insects from their biggest threats: from tiny parasites to the often disturbing presence of humans.

Divided into three sectors, this museum is a real voyage of discovery into the complex and organised world of bees: how are they born, what dangers are they exposed to and how does the day of a single bee and the entire hive look like?

The interactive museum offers guided tours as well as insights into the work of a beekeeper, tastings of different types of honey and direct selling of products that come exclusively from the Val di Sole. The mill is located in the recreational area "Le Plaze" in Croviana on the Noce stream, near the cycle path and the Croviana base of the Outdoor Trentino Wild Centre.

On prior reservation also accessible outside the opening hours

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Opening times

  • Fri 28 Mar closed
  • Sat 29 Mar closed
  • Sun 30 Mar closed
  • Mon 31 Mar closed
  • Tue 01 Apr closed
  • Wed 02 Apr closed
  • Thu 03 Apr closed

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Full timetables
Despite careful control we cannot guarantee the correctness of the provided data.

Opening times 2025: (19/04/2025) 10:00 - 12:00

Opening times 2025: (26/04/2025) 15:30 - 17:30

Opening times 2025: (03/05/2025) 10:00 - 12:00 15:30 - 17:30


6,00 €: ticket
4,00 €: children and young people (up to 14 years)
3,00 €: with Trentino Guest Card
15,00 €: family card (2 adults and 2 children up to 14 years)

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Guided tours on reservation (for groups of 5 or more people)

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