Zufallspitze Cevedale
Zufallspitze Cevedale

Gran Zebru

Presumably this mountain peak is the most famous peak of the Ortles-Cevedale

The Gran Zebrù (3,857 m) is the second highest peak of the Ortles-Cevedale group. This mountain massif is situated exactly between South Tyrol and the province of Sondrio. Its peak is located about 4 km in the south of the Ortles mountain.

Particularly climbers and alpinists can look forward to a fascinating panorama. Tours of any difficulty take hikers and climbers up to the summit, where you can enjoy a fascinating view on the surrounding landscape. However, you should be careful, as you have to cross glaciers. A high alpine equipment is required.

Like the most of the peaks of the Rhaetian Alps, also the Gran Zebrù has been explored for the first time in the 19th century. Francis Fox Tuckett, the Buxton brothers and the two alpine guides Michel and Franz Biener were the first to ascend this mountain on 3rd August 1864.

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