Golf Hotels
6 Offers
Did you know that Bel soggiorno means beautiful stay?
from 05/04/25 to 24/04/25
1 night from 460 € per person
Take advantage of our fantastic all-inclusive golf offer. Guests of the Pineta will have the opportunity to use the Golf Club included in the price of the stay!
from 14/04/25 to 31/05/25
from 2 nights from 350 € per person
Did you know that Bel soggiorno means beautiful stay?
from 05/05/25 to 29/05/25
7 nights from 460 € per person
Did you know that Bel soggiorno means beautiful stay?
from 08/06/25 to 15/06/25
7 nights from 460 € per person
Did you know that Bel soggiorno means beautiful stay?
from 07/09/25 to 02/11/25
7 nights from 460 € per person
Take advantage of our fantastic all-inclusive golf offer. Guests of the Pineta will have the opportunity to use the Golf Club included in the price of the stay!
from 24/09/25 to 30/11/25
from 2 nights from 350 € per person
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