il bosco nascosto di daiano folletto persona
il bosco nascosto di daiano folletto persona

Kids and family

Trentino offers various activities and facilities that are especially arranged for kids and families in order to make your holidays with your beloved ones the most lasting vacation you’ve ever spent

The Trentino offers various facilities and initiatives that are especially dedicated to kids and families. Guided tours for families, children's playgrounds, accommodations that cater for families' and kids' needs, as well as facilities such as museums offering special attractions for kids, such as the "Maxi Ooh!" initiative at the MUSE, the Science Museum of Trento. A place where children can explore and get to know new spaces with all their senses.

Entertainment, nature, adventure farmsteads and many more experiences. That's what the Trentino offers. An ideal place for spending unforgettable holidays with your family.

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Suggested accommodations

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