moto giro dei laghi trentino
moto giro dei laghi trentino

Motorbike tour - Lake tour

Starting in Madonna di Campiglio the tour proceeds for about 200 km through the beautiful landscape of the Trentino, through valleys and across mountain passes, past lakes and waterfalls

The Lake Tour in the Trentino is well-known among bikers. The approx. 200 km long route starts in Madonna di Campiglio, crosses the Adamello Brenta Nature Park and ascends to the Campo Carlo Magno mountain pass at 1,682 m a.s.l., which offers a fantastic view on the Brenta Mountain Group. Then the route proceeds through the woods of the Val di Meledrio valley and past Folgarida. After a few curves we reach the village of Dimaro (766 m a.s.l.) in the Val di Sole valley.

Now the road proceeds towards east through the typical landscape of the Val di Non valley which is characterised by apple trees. Arrived at Cles, we drive towards Lake Tovel at 1,178 m a.s.l. along a road with a max. gradient of 12 %. The lake itself, surrounded by the impressive peaks of the Brenta Mountain Group, is a true natural jewel and really worth visiting. From Lake Tovel we drive back to Tuenno, past the village of Denno and 1 km after Campodenno towards Lake Molveno at 865 m a.s.l. The road is narrow and full of bends. Lake Molveno is a popular excursion and holiday destination with plenty of restaurants, pizza places, camping sites and accommodations and ideal for our lunch break.

From Lake Molveno the route proceeds to Ponte Arche and then towards Lake Ponte Pia, the road leads to Tione. After we have crossed the Val Rendena valley and reached Carisolo, the route leads to the Val di Genova valley on the left. The 17 km long section proceeds through a beautiful landscape with several waterfalls. Especially the Nardis Waterfalls with their height of about 100 m are famous (after about 4 km on the right). Arrived at Carisolo, we drive to our starting point Madonna di Campiglio again.

Starting point: Madonna di Campiglio (TN)
Destination: Madonna di Campiglio (TN)
Route: Madonna di Campiglio – SS239 until Campo Carlo Magno Pass – Folgarida – Dimaro – join SS42 – join SS43 to the right towards Cles – turn right onto the SP73 towards Lake Tovel – back to Tuenno and Denno – turn left joining the SP67 – at Campodenno take the SP73 and after 1 km right the SS421 until Molveno – continue until Ponte Arche – at Bleggio Inferiore take the SS237 towards Tione – turn onto the SS239 and drive until Carisolo – turn left into the Val di Genova with the Nardis Waterfalls – turn left at Carisolo to come back to Madonna di Campiglio
Distance: 186.7 km
Highest point: Campo Carlo Magno Pass, 1,682 m a.s.l.
Lowest point: Ponte Arche, 400 m a.s.l.
Lunch Break: Lake Molveno
Landmarks: Campo Carlo Magno Pass – Lake Tovel – Lake Molveno – Val di Genova – Nardis Waterfalls

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