pista ciclabile val di sole radweg
pista ciclabile val di sole radweg

Val di Sole cycle track: Pejo - Ponte di Mostizzolo

Directly below the glacial massif of the Ortles-Cevedale mountain range, the Val di Sole cycle track starts, stretching to the apple orchards at the beginning of the Val di Non

The high valley of Peio: this is where the Noce river arises, that lines the cycle track of the Val di Sole down to the Val di Non, at the bridge of Mostizzolo. Those who start the tour in Cogolo di Pejo has the advantage that the track stretches on plain terrain, partially also in descent, what is above all perceivable in the first section to Ossana. Leading across the meadows in the green Valle di Peio, at Fucine di Ossana the valley widens and gets more plain, it goes past the castle Castello di San Michele and traverses the charming village of Pellizzano. Right after the exit from the village, there is a bicigrill, ideal for a stop. Afterwards the trail proceed along the south side of the valley, to Marilleva 900, at Commezzadura it continues on the road to Passo Tonale. Subsequently, the cycle path parallels the river for a little while, past Dimaro and Malè.

At Terzolas, the river carves a deep gorge and the cycle track keeps following its course. Traversing forests at the edge of fruit orchards, we reach the bridge of Mostizzolo, marking the end of the Val di Sole and also of the cycle track. From here you can return by the Val di Non train to the terminus Marilleva 900 (about two thirds of the path). This trail also guarantees the connection to the Valle dell'Adige. This cycling track is also recommendable in high summer, as in this altitude it does not get that hot even in high summer.

Bike & train: regional trains with bicycle transportation service (limited space) run on the railway line Trento - Marilleva 900 ("ferrovia Val di Non").

Bike rental: in Commezzadura there is a bike rental service at the Centro Bike Val di Sole.

difficulty: easy
  • Starting point:
    Cogolo di Peio
  • Time required:
    02:50 h
  • Track length:
    34,1 km
  • Altitude:
    from 572 m to 1.186 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +329 m | -874 m
  • Signposts:
    Pista ciclabile Val di Sole (N° 4)
  • Destination:
    Ponte di Mostizzolo
  • Track surface:
    almost entirely asphalted
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Val di Sole cycle track: Pejo - Ponte di Mostizzolo

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