Immagine copertina PeerRS C Lago Rotondo
Immagine copertina PeerRS C Lago Rotondo

Alpine tours

Our suggestions for Alpine tours in the Trentino for summertime

When in the valleys the temperatures don’t stop climbing, people are most often attracted by high mountains, as temperatures are much lower in higher altitudes, that is to say on the top of the mountains. A cool breeze, inhaling the fresh air, enjoy the feeling of freedom at the top of the mountains. Balm for body and soul.

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  1. laghetti mandrone fr

    To the glacial lakes of Mount Mandrone

    Numerous glacial lakes reflect the mighty peaks of the surrounding Adamello Group -…
  2. sentiero per monte cornetto

    To Mount Cornetto della Vigolana

    From the Passo Sommo to the Rif. Paradiso mountain hut and further to the small…
  3. passo del frate

    From the Malga Arnò mountain hut to the Passo del Frate

    The Malghe di Arnò are located at the south-eastern fringe of the Adamello Group…
  4. prati sotto monte oltnmonn vs rujoch

    From the Passo Redebus pass to Mount Ruioch

    Mountain tour through the forests high above the Valle dei Mocheni valley to the…
  5. Lago Corvo

    To the Laghi Corvo lakes

    For hundreds of years the ancient path across the Passo di Rabbi pass has been…
  6. laghi di strino

    To the Laghi di Strino lakes

    Between fortresses and former military installations, in a unique landscape where…
  7. rifugio dorigoni

    To the Dorigoni Mountain Hut

    The varied walking tour to the Rif. Dorigoni mountain hut in the Val di Rabbi…
  8. escursione rifugio larcher cevedale lago marmotte

    To the Rif. Larcher al Cevedale mountain hut

    This circular tour in the surroundings of Pejo proceeds from the Malga Mare through…
  9. Hauptbild escursione dolomiti del brenta brenta dolomiten rifugio tosa

    To the Pedrotti mountain hut

    A beautiful hiking tour takes us from Andalo to the Rifugio Pedrotti, crossing the…
  10. DSC

    To the Vajolet hut at Mount Catinaccio

    The pleasant walk via Gardeccia to the Vajolet and Preuss mountain hut continues on…
  11. dolomiti di brenta presso rifugio xii apostoli fr

    To the XII Apostoli mountain hut

    The 12 Apostles - a number of Dolomite peaks in the area of Pinzolo is called like…
  12. segnavia sentiero peio

    Across the Val della Mite to Pejo 3000

    Below the Monte Vioz mountain, at almost 3,000 m asl., the mountain station of the…
  13. lago gelato fr

    From Pradalago to the Lago Gelato

    The Serodoli and Gelato Lakes are the destination of our excursion in the…
  14. lago delle buse e dintorni

    From Passo Manghen to Monte Montalon

    The impressive circular hike above 2,000 m asl. explores the lonely altitudes of…
  15. escursione pordoi piz boe

    From Mount Sass Pordoi to Mount Piz Boé

    The alpine hiking tour across the Sella Group takes us to its highest summit, Mt…
  16. escursionisti su sentiero latemar

    To the Torre di Pisa hut at Mount Latemar

    The discovery journey along the path n° 516 leads from the alpine pastures of Passo…
  17. escursione pale di san martino fradusta

    Fradusta Glacier and Pale di San Martino

    An easy hike leads through the Pale di San Martino Group near San Martino di…
  18. Lago Ritorto con Brenta sullo sfondo

    Five Lakes' Tour near Madonna di Campiglio

    This beautiful hike proceeds at the slopes of the Presanella Group past several…
  19. vetta pala di santa gipfel zanggenberg

    To Mount Pala di Santa

    Above the timberline between the Val di Fiemme and the Val d’Ega a gorgeous view…
  20. Lago Rotondo

    To the Val di Sole Lakes

    A unique but quite long hike without any major difficulties traverses the Val di…
  21. i tre laghi della presanella

    Lakes hike to the Commezzadura Alps

    On this hike we discover six mountain lakes in the area of the mountain pastures of…
  22. val nambrone lago di cornisello presanella

    To the Val Nambrone Lakes

    Thanks to the road, which goes up over 2,000 m a.s.l., the lakes of the Nambrone…
  23. schwarzhorn aussicht dolomiten brentagruppe

    Hike to the Corno Nero

    The Corno Nero mountain is enthroned above the villages of Daiano, Carano and…

Suggested accommodations

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