TM area sciistica Lavaze Oclini fondo inverno latemargruppe
TM area sciistica Lavaze Oclini fondo inverno latemargruppe

Passo Lavazè Cross-Country Ski Centre

Cross-country skiing between the Trentino and South Tyrol in front of the magnificent backdrop of the Latemar

The Passo Lavazè Cross-Country Ski Centre is a paradise for cross-country skiers, 80 km best-prepared track amidst nature are waiting for you. The cross-country ski tracks proceed from the Passo Lavazè mountain pass in the Trentino Val di Fiemme valley to the Passo Oclini pass (Jochgrimm) and further until the idyllically located pilgrimage site of Pietralba in South Tyrol.

Along the cross-country ski tracks you can find various mountain huts, which invite to take a rest and try local delicacies. The cross-country ski centre offers also a parking space, a bar and restaurants, a cross-country ski rental, a ski school and a ski waxing service.

Winter season 2024/25: December 1, 2024 - March 30, 2025

€ 13.00: daily ticket
€ 65.00: weekly ticket
€ 7.00: junior (2009-2013)
€ 4.00: baby (2014-2017)
€ 130.00: 12 tickets
€ 155.00: season ticket

Afternoon ticket (from 1.00 pm):
€ 7.00: adulti / Junior
€ 4.00: baby

Further information:

Progetto Lavazè
Phone: +39 0462 230 447

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