ciaspole segantini
ciaspole segantini

Snow-shoe hike to the Segantini mountain hut

This walk takes across the Venegia valley to the Rifugio Segantini mountain hut, from where we enjoy a great view on the mountains of the Pala Group, as well as the Cimon de la Pala peaks

From the parking space at the entrance of the Val Venegia valley. The first section to the mountain hut is dominated by the rock face of the Monte Mulaz.

Left behind the alpine pasture, take the forested road leading the way up. The surrounding landscape with fresh snow, frozen mountain rivers and the wonderful Dolomite peaks seem like a winter wonderland. The path proceeds to the Passo Costazza and Segantini (Baita Segantini). The view is dominated by the Cimon de la Pala, the Cima Vezzana and the Bureloni peak. After a last ascent you reach the Rifugio Segantini mountain hut at 2,180 m asl. This is where you can enjoy the panoramic view to the Passo Rolle and the Pale di San Martino to the fullest. After a short break you can walk back on the same route.

Even if the walk is quite long, it is rather flat, only the last section to the Rif. Segantini is rather steep.

Author: AT

difficulty: moderate
  • Starting point:
    parking space Pian dei Casoni
  • Time required:
    05:00 h
  • Track length:
    13,4 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.677 m to 2.179 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +505 m | -505 m
  • Route:
    parking space Pian dei Casoni - Val Venegia - Segantini mountain hut on Passo Costazza
  • Destination:
    Baita Segantini mountain hut on Passo Costazza
  • Resting points:
    Baita Segantini
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Snow-shoe hike to the Segantini mountain hut

We suggest you to check the weather conditions in advance and on site before setting out. Don’t forget to check the current avalanche forecast!

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