folgaria lavarone luserna
folgaria lavarone luserna

Alpe Cimbra - Folgaria Lavarone Luserna Vigolana

The plateaus of Folgaria, Lavarone, and Vigolana offer a unique blend of natural beauty, historical richness, and Cimbrian cultural heritage

Today known as Alpe Cimbra, this Trentino region within the Altipiani Group in the Vicentine Alps encompasses the municipalities of Folgaria, Lavarone, Luserna, and Altopiano della Vigolana, bound by a shared past and a unique cultural identity.

Suspended between the Adige and Brenta rivers, the Alpe Cimbra plateaus have long served as both a border and a meeting point between Italian and German-Tyrolean cultures and administrations – a convergence not always peaceful. The immigration of German-Cimbrian settlers of Bavarian origin between the 10th and 13th centuries left an enduring mark on the language and local traditions, most notably in the linguistic island of Luserna (Lusérn).

The history of the Cimbrian Highlands tells of struggles for autonomy and feudal disputes, as well as the major conflicts of the 20th century. The seven Austro-Hungarian forts from the First World War, the memories of the Resistance, and the NATO “Tuono” missile base at Passo Coe stand as silent witnesses to a past interwoven with the natural beauty of this area. Pre-Alpine hills and gentle alpine terraces alternate with deep valleys carved by steep slopes.

Alpe Cimbra, an ideal destination for tourism, is gaining increasing popularity. Its appeal lies not only in its stunning scenery and rich historical and cultural heritage but also in its wide array of outdoor activities. The mild climate makes it perfect for year-round pursuits like hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, and golf. Lake Lavarone offers refreshing swims in the warmer months, while excellent winter sports facilities, including the Alpe Cimbra Ski Area and the Millegrobbe and Alpe di Folgaria - Passo Coe cross-country skiing centers, await in the colder season.

Today, the municipalities of Folgaria, Lavarone, and Luserna, united since 2006 within the Magnifica Comunità degli Altipiani Cimbri (Magnificent Community of the Cimbrian Highlands), collaborate to administer and develop this beautiful region. Since 2021, the Vigolana Plateau, though part of a different Valley Community, has joined Alpe Cimbra's tourism promotion efforts, serving as its gateway to Trento, Caldonazzo, and Levico.

Alpe Cimbra is an area where the past harmoniously merges with the present – an open and welcoming world, yet proud of its unique character.

Let’s discover it together!

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