centa san nicolo
centa san nicolo

Centa San Nicolò

The village of Centa S. Nicolò consists of small farms and districts at 830 m a.s.l

In terms of surface area, Centa San Nicolò is one of the biggest districts of the Altopiano della Vigolana municipality. The village with its ancient roots has about 600 inhabitants and is located at 830 m a.s.l. at the east side of the Vigolana mountain massif.

The name of the village originates from the near river where also the river landscape of the Centa is located which is a real open air museum with overhauled ancient mills and sawmills.

Also the environment with its numerous hiking and riding possibilities and cycle routes is fantastic. Recommendable is an excursion to the waterfall of Valimpach. Variety is guaranteed!

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