canal san bovo frazione di prade inverno
canal san bovo frazione di prade inverno

Canal San Bovo

In the Valle del Vanoi valley at the heart of the Trentino region, Canal San Bovo is located, a friendly little village

The municipal area of Canal San Bovo with its approx. 1,500 inhabitants includes the entire Valle del Vanoi valley in eastern Trentino as well as the localities Caoria, Cicona, Gobbera, Prade, Ronco and Zortea. Hikers watch out: From the village, located at 750 m a.s.l., you can admire the legendary peaks of the Cauriol and Totoga mountains. Still today pasture farming and forestry characterise this place, which is among Italy's main providers of wood.

Furthermore, numerous hiking trails and forest roads connect the quarters Zortea Prade and Gobbera with near-by Valle Zortei valley and Lake Calaita. As the village has always engaged in agriculture, it also features a rich number of traditions. Those interested in them might head for an educational trail called "sentiero etnografico". This ethnographic theme path has been realised by the Vanoi Ecomuseum and the Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino Nature Park.

The locality of Caoria features a museum dedicated to WWI, which exhibits tools and findings reminding the fierce battles and fights near to the Lagorai mountain range. Also for those who prefer dedicating their spare time to sports and nature, the offer is widespread and includes guided cycling tours, horse rides as well as guided mountain tours. However, those who seek the adrenaline thrill can try kayaking on the Vanoi river, which is also perfect for fishing.

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