

Cis is located on a narrow high plateau between the river valleys of the Noce and the Barnés

This little village is particularly famous for its country-style construction method. There are several buildings that are decorated with frescoes.

One of the most interesting constructions of Cis is the San Giorgio parish church, dating back to the 13th century. This church was restored several times and still today it has preserved its Gothic-Renaissance character. The beautiful San Giorgio statue with a dragon is a gift of American immigrants.

However, Cis is also very popular among hikers, as it is the most southern starting point for the "Aldo Bonacossa" hiking trail. This rather long trail takes you past the three mountain peaks Cima Candei (2,190 m a.s.l.), Cima Vese (2,400 m a.s.l.) and the Cima Lac (2,439 m a.s.l.). This hike is highly recommended for its magnificent panoramic views.

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