

At the heart of an extensive plateau in upper Valle di Non valley lies Sarnonico, a winter and summer resort featuring numerous sports and tourism facilities alike

Thanks to a dry climate and its sunny position Sarnonico is a popular holiday resorts especially in summer. Among the numerous facilities is for instance a camp site with some 520 pitches, the 18 holes golf course Dolomiti Golf Club and a sports ground, featuring a tennis court, soccer pitch, volleyball and basket court, bocce courts and ping-pong tables.

Moreover Sarnonico is a perfect starting point for pleasant hikes in the surroundings, across the forests and meadows of the upper Val di Non valley. One of the trails starts at Romeno and takes promenaders to Cavareno, Sarnonico and Fondo.

However, also those who are interested in culture will be satisfied in the village. Worth to be visited are above all the San Lorenzo and Santa Maria churches. Seio, belonging to Sarnonico, is located at the golf course and counts about 100 inhabitants. The church of Seio, dedicated to San Giorgio, dates back to the 16th century.

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Suggested accommodations: Sarnonico

  1. Camping Park Baita Dolomiti Village
    Camping Park Baita Dolomiti Village

    Camping Park Baita Dolomiti Village

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