Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Wind (km/h): 11 SSW
Humidity: 45%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Overcast, possible light rain
Wind (km/h): 11 SSW
Humidity: 50%
Snow limit: N/A
Marilleva is located in the heart of the Val…
The villages of Dimaro, Monclassico,…
The village of Mezzana is located in the Val…
The small village of Croviana is situated on…
In the heart of an amazing natural…
Malé, main town of the Val di Sole valley, is…
Terzolas is situated in the lower part of the…
Ossana is a popular winter and summer holiday…
Situated in the heart of the Stelvio National…
Caldes, one of the most beautiful villages in…
Not far from Cles and Caldes, there is…
The last village along the road from Trento…
The municipality of Pejo is located in the…
The Passo Tonale at 1,883 m a.s.l.…