mezzana inverno
mezzana inverno


The village of Mezzana is located in the Val di Sole valley on 940 m a.s.l. and represents an oasis in the heart of the Alps

Mezzana is a small but mighty mountain village in the heart of the Val di Sole valley, which is surrounded by the impressive mountain massifs Adamello-Presanella, Ortles-Cevedale and the Brenta Dolomites. Mezzana is located only a stone's throw away from Marilleva. There are numerous leisure time facilities that are used by both villages, e.g. the slalom run for canoeists as well as a recently built sports centre including tennis courts, a football field and much more.

Mezzana is above all famous for its skiing area with well-groomed 150 km ski slopes in all levels of difficulty. In summer, however, this area attracts visitors from all over thanks to its breathtaking alpine world and a vast network of hiking trails.

Mezzano has also been connected to Trento via the Val di Non rail line, originally called Trento - Malé. Moreover the Val di Sole cycling path and the Nordic-walking trail to Commezzadura runs past this village. The most important business sectors are trade and tourism. Mezzana has got some 900 inhabitants.

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