Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Slightly or partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 2 ESE
Humidity: 88%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Partly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 2 ESE
Humidity: 94%
Snow limit: N/A
Avio with its component localities Borghetto,…
In between Lake Garda and Vallagarina the…
The municipality of Vallarsa is known…
Mori, a small town with about 10.000 inhabitants…
Trambileno presents several memories of the…
The little village Isera is famous for the…
With almost 40,000 inhabitants, Rovereto is…
Ronzo Chienis is the main village of the…
The buildings and the roads in the centre of…
Terragnolo is composed of a valley that…
Villa Lagarina is centre from a…
In the north of Rovereto and in the heart of…
This historical village is famous for fruit…
Nomi is a typical village of the Vallagarina…
Calliano is characterised by a large number…
Besenello is located between Trento and…