telve di sopra terrazzo panoramico sulla valsugana
telve di sopra terrazzo panoramico sulla valsugana

Telve di Sopra

Telve di Sopra is an ideal starting point for hikes and excursions

Telve di Sopra extends in a calm and sunny location. Together with the ancient castles of Arnana, Castellano, San Pietro and Castel Telvana the village used to act as protective barrier for the valley.

However, Telve di Sopra is starting point for numerous hikes, such us to the Val Calamento, one of the most beautiful and intact valleys of the Trentino. Also recommendable is the Sentiero della Pace, the Peace Path. Another popular walking trail is the Via Crucis, taking promenaders to the Colle di San Pietro and the Val d'Ezza and Cal di Fregio valleys.

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