vignola falesina
vignola falesina

Vignola Falesina

Vignola-Falesina is one of the smallest mountain villages of the Trentino

Vignola-Falesina is located at an altitude of 1,000 m asl. Typical for this little mountain village are its mountain farms, directed towards Lagorai-Cima d'Asta.

Vignola-Falesina is located only some km from Levico Terme, this is where you feel set back in a time when hustle and bustle still did not exist. This is where the so-called Canòpi, German miners, are located. Moreover Vignola Falesina boasts remnants of defensive structures of the First World War, this is where there was the Austro-Hungarian border.

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Suggested accommodation: Vignola Falesina